Jyotish consultations grounded in the teachings of an ancient tradition

What is Jyotish?

Jyotish, often referred to as Vedic Astrology, is a branch of Vedic knowledge used popularly as a predictive tool for timing life events. Jyotish hails from a rich ancient tradition that integrates philosophy, science, mathematics, astronomy, ethics, and medicine, among other fields of expertise, into a complete way of life, making it unique within the realm of astrology. When studied holistically under the guidance of a Vedic tradition, Jyotish is a means to reveal the details of one’s accumulated karma, latent tendencies and life purpose. Learn more about Jyotish and what differentiates it from other systems of astrology below.


Who is Dayanand?

During his childhood Dayanand was provided with a comprehensive education in the founding principles of Vedic knowledge which included Jyotish, Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation. In his adolescence he deepened his study into Jyotish while working as a musician, eventually leading him to meet Pandit Sanjay Rath, who initiated his formal study of Jyotish under the guidance of the Sri Achyuta Das tradition. Based on the principles of classical Jyotish and the teachings of Sanatana Dharma, Dayanand aims to offer a universal perspective of one’s life, and prescribe the appropriate remedial measures with respect to one’s background and beliefs.


Primary services

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Life Overview

An initial Jyotish consultation covers the key themes of this life by highlighting the most potent karmic potentials to be aware of. The chart will reveal which pursuits are best suited for the individual to fulfil their dharma/purpose and understand themselves from a universal perspective.

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There is no replacement for the guidance of a trained medical practitioner. However, Jyotish provides a deep insight into the karmic causative factors that determine disease and longevity, and therefore can help in guiding one into making the best choices possible for their health and well being.

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Whether in marriage, business, or family, the interpretation of interplay between the charts gives an insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals and the results of their shared karmas. By analysing the tendencies of both parties charts we can avert any future issues from arising.

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Location & Vastu

Jyotish integrates with the principles of Vastu, the Vedic science of living space. This reveals whether one shall live abroad, and also specifies exactly which locations are supported or not. The chart gives detailed specifications of which home and environmental factors are most auspicious.




“My husband and I have each had two Jyotish readings with Dayanand. Both of us have had many Jyotish readings in the past, and I can say unequivocally that the readings with Dayanand have provided a deeper understanding of who we are, of the obstacles to our personal and spiritual growth, and, very importantly, remedies for how to overcome these obstacles.”

Katherine Sherman, California, USA

“My reading with Dayanand was unlike any other reading I have had. His depth of understanding and knowledge is profound. He communicated clearly, and his reading became a catalyst for me in my life. I was able to change course and with compassionate guidance find my true path.”

Alyson Talley, California, USA

“Recently, an astrologer recommended Dayanand. I was pleased and impressed; he pointed out key features of my chart that had not been mentioned before. He brought understanding of some of the patterns in my life as well as straightforward remedies. I recommend him.”

David Buckland (Davidya), British Columbia, Canada

“I had the opportunity to interact with Dayananad through a very close friend. He came to my life exactly when I needed him. During our session, he listened, provided feedback and overall assurance on some of the decisions I was taking. I felt so at ease knowing that all of my inquiries were addressed. He provided many insights that were very spot on for me and had made predictions which came true.”

Prasanna Regmi, Kathmandu, Nepal

“Dayanand is a remarkable Jyotishi. His clarity, kindness, and compassion are felt the moment he begins to speak. He knows you and your chart so well, that you immediately trust what he is saying. He anticipates your questions before you have a chance to ask. When Dayanand effortlessly pinpoints the challenges in your life.”

Alexandra Bunshaft, California, USA

“Dayanand provided me and my family the clarity we needed about our life circumstances which allowed us to make sense of important areas of our lives; he also provided practices and guidance to resolve issues and build on weak spots. I recommend Dayanand to my clients, friends, and family confidently.”

Kevin Padayachi, London, UK